The following tips from nutritionists at the CNRC can help get your child on the road to good health.
> Think habits, not diets. Encourage kids; to- eat at least the minimum number of servings from the Food Guide
Pyramid every day to ensure they get the nutrition they need.
> Discourage dieting. Be a good role model. Eat right and stay active, and your kids probably will too.
> Encourage kids to do physical activities every day. Use the Kid's Activity Pyramid to center free-time and family
time around physical activity.
> Make lifestyle changes without fanfare. Prepare low-fat and lower calorie meals the whole family will enjoy. Stock
the fridge with individual bottles of water, juice, and healthy snacks like non-fat yogurt.
> Get involved. Work to improve physical education at your child's school. Find after-school activities and programs

that boost your child's confidence in her physical ability.
> Limit unnecessary sitting time. Set a kitchen timer for 30 minutes to limit non-school related sitting activ-ities such as watching TV and playing computer and video games.
> Be aware of peer pressure. Get children into programs at school and in the community that involve physically active groups of children.
> Be positive. Involve your kids in decision making. Avoid words like "you should,"you can't," and "don't. Keep family
time active and enjoyable. Show your kids you love them.
> Always talk to your physician if you have concerns over your child's health, growth, or weight.
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