Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Re: Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Caution and Cooperation

Dear Parents,

1. There have been many cases of Hand-Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) in Kota Damansara. Kinderland had its 1st case 2 weeks ago and we have sent many kids whom we suspect of having the disease home for medical check-up.

However, our concern has not been met by parents who choose to ignore our request and keep sending them back to school. There was an incident where the parent argued with our principal. Please be firmly reminded that we have every right to reject ill students in order to protect other students and our staff from contracting HFMD.

2. We are taking precaution by vigilantly screening our students everyday for symptoms and sending children displaying HFMD symptoms home. We seek your cooperation to check your child for symptoms daily and to quarantine your child for 10 days as well as inform the school should your child display symptoms of the disease in order to contain the spread of this communicable disease. Children will only be allowed to return if they obtain a certified free from infection letter by a registered medical practitioner. We have implemented strict control measures by disinfecting all materials and toys.

We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

“Safety and health is our number one priority beside academic excellence”

Thank you


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